Friday, October 16, 2015

Protecting the Prince

Calm down. Use your words. She slammed her car door as Eliam buckled himself into the passenger seat—like now he was all concerned for his safety.
“Russians? Do you know how stupid that was?” Okay, so maybe she should encourage herself to use more productive words.
“It was a business meeting.” He rested his hands on his thighs, and she resisted the urge to look.
“I can’t believe I actually let you go in there. Stupid. Stupid.” She started the Durango and got them the hell out of there before they could be followed or shot at again. “No wonder there’s a second hit out on you. It’s obviously them.” Fury raged from her hands to the top of her head; she felt like she was boiling over. Only the target of her madness wasn’t necessarily Eliam, it was herself. She knew better than to let him walk away without her and go into a place she hadn’t cleared. She’d learned better in worse situations. She wouldn’t make this type of silly mistake again, because she wasn’t going to let him out of her sight.
“Second hit?”
“You aren’t going anywhere without me anymore. I’m going to be right there when you open the refrigerator to get a bottle of water. I’m going to be at your elbow when you throw a load of laundry in the dryer, assuming you do your own laundry. No more surprises or secrecy. Period.” If she could tie him to her, she would. Better yet, she could lock him up until she figured out how to nail Franklin. And apparently deal with the Russians. And then Holland. Shit. The list was growing.
“Wait. Back up.” Eliam shifted in his seat, and she could feel his stare burning into her skin even though she refused to look at him.
“I mean, they could’ve just killed you right there. If their sniper hadn’t sucked, your cousin would be at the mortuary right now discussing a gold casket or black lacquer and whether or not to have a calling or just a short prayer service at the cemetery.” Her voice rose and she tried to keep her hands on the steering wheel, but instead she waved them around like she was deranged. He’d made her a crazy person. He could be dead right now, three times over. Just like Brenn, Malcolm, and Wes. No way would she ever relive that day. She’d rather die herself.
“Winter.” His voice boomed in her SUV. “What second hit?”
She blew out a long puff of air and gripped the steering wheel at ten and two. Do I tell him? Maybe then he wouldn’t be so careless. On the other hand, he’d probably fire her. No, now was not the time to tell him she held the first contract out on his life.

Protecting the Prince Synopsis:
 Eliam Prince is finally where he wants to be in his late father’s shipping enterprise: at the helm and ready to navigate. However, when a mysterious car tries to run him off the road on his first day as CEO, it’s clear he needs a personal bodyguard—even if the idea annoys him to no end.

Winter Wyn has built a thriving personal security business after surviving a horrific tour in the Middle East. Eliam is just a routine middle-of-the-night call—until she arrives at his penthouse, where it’s clear her strict policy of not mixing business and pleasure with her clients is in serious trouble. Keeping this man safe—from sabotage, blackmailers, assassins, and his own stubborn pride—isn’t nearly as hard as protecting her own heart.

But as the stakes rise, Eliam and Winter have no choice but to break all the rules if they want to survive. Fans of Castle will love the sparks that fly on this most unlikely couple’s journey to their happily ever after.
Dana Volney Bio:
Dana Volney lets her imagination roam free in Wyoming where she writes romances and helps local businesses succeed with her marketing consulting company. Surrounding herself with good friends and family, Dana thrives on moments and memories created with loved ones, especially while baking. Not possessing the natural ability to want to cook every day, she still enjoys watching culinary shows while eating take-out. It helps her to dream up sweet treats and sexy men. Dana is bold, adventurous and, by her own admission, good with plants, having kept a coral cactus alive for more than one year. Find Dana Volney at , on Facebook at , on Twitter @VolneyVentures, and Goodreads at .
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