Today we have the cover reveal for Tania Cooper’s COLD! Check it out and be sure to pre-order your copy today!

Title: COLD
Author: Tania Cooper
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 5th
About Cold:
I’ve forever felt like people were staring at me, judging me for the way I looked, the bullying I endured in high school only fueled these thoughts.
Despite working hard at becoming a successful journalist, I was still insecure with my larger figure, it shadowed a lot of my success, especially since I worked in the land of beautiful people; LA.
But after the number one quarter back in the USA, Kellan Hart, surprisingly pursued me, then declared he loved me for who I was, my body issues just started to … fall away.
But they couldn’t be locked away for long. Plunged into the public eye, chased and hunted by the media, tagged as the most talked about couple in the sporting world, meant that everyone had an opinion about the hot athlete dating a plus sized girl.
As much as I tried to avoid it all, it was constantly thrown in my face, insecurities rose their ugly heads again and I was forced to make some difficult decisions.
Decisions that would have dire consequences on my life and the people I loved.
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Exclusive Excerpt:
The bright lights of the city are a blur as the wetness in my eyes continues to well then fall down my cheeks, following the same path as the ones before them, and the ones before them, as the car gains speed down the freeway.
My mind is a flurry of hurt and doubt as I realise this will be my last day in a place I once called home, a place I had friends and jobs that I loved, a place I felt could make my dreams come true, a place I had a comfortable existence in. But that is far from the truth now.
As the car takes an unexpected sharp turn to the right, off the exit ramp, I hear several cars screech and follow suit, cameras held outside their windows, flashes going off trying to get an exclusive picture. Their incessant harassment has finally become too much. Knowing that they’re trailing me again, is the final nail in my coffin. My life, here, is really over. I’m actually going through with this plan, a plan that hopefully will guarantee me some peace and be the saviour of my fragile sanity. Even though it may cost me all that is dear to my heart.
The car turns sharply again, this time to the left, as the driver navigates through suburban streets with white picket fences, breaking the silence of this quiet neighbourhood, before continuing further into town and then swinging into an underground car park of a closed shopping mall. My body is thrown left and right as we race around corners and fly down ramps, trying to gain a few precious seconds away from our followers.
The car flies around in a full circle, flinging my head hard against the window, before coming to a screeching stop. As my head begins to pound, doors open, men shout, before I’m pulled from this car and shoved into the back of another, while being told to lie down on the floor as a blanket is thrown over my curled up body; and the chase begins again.
This is only the first exchange of the night. It’s repeated four more times before the plan is almost complete and I’m in the final car, looking out of the tinted windows as the sun is starting to poke its head up over the distant horizon. As we continue to drive along god knows what highway in the early hours of the morning, a chill starts to descend upon my body, despite the warmness in the confined space of this rented car.
I’ve left everything behind. I have run from everything and everyone in my life, in the hopes of salvaging what little left of
me I have. The psychologist that was helping me these past few weeks encouraged me to go, understanding that my current situation was possibly going to get worse and a clean break was the only thing that was going to save my slowly crumbling heart and soul.
But the chill descending is hard to bare. It’s soaking through my skin, travelling along my veins and sinking into my bones. Shivers race up my spine, my body shaking with that awful feeling, making my stomach turn over once again.
But it’s still nothing compared to what
he has done to me, what
he has left me with. The only man to have ever owned my heart, the only man to have ever taken my body, the only man to have ever claimed to love me. The first person to ever truly help me feel comfortable in my own skin.
Then in one night, he took it all away.
He ripped out my heart and destroyed my life, all in one solitary moment. And I was left standing there, with the truth seeping into my soul, the truth of what this supposedly warm and loving man truly was.
And the heartbreaking truth, he was nothing but … cold.
About the Author:

Tania Cooper, who lives in Melbourne Australia, was searching for an outlet for her wild and crazy imagination for a lifetime. Her book reading addiction lead her to finally put pen to paper and fingers to keyboard, to create her own stories she can now share with other avid readers. From the moment she first sat down and started writing, she hasn’t been able to stop. Her writing passion is steamy Romance and Paranormal novels, a little bit of poetry and even a few horror stories that give her nightmares. Sexy men with tattoos and book boyfriends are her addictions and she also has aspirations of being a screenwriter and film director.
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