Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Match Fit by Amelie S Duncan

 Book: Match Fit
Author: Amelie S. Duncan
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance, Sports Romance
Match Fit: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
Brooke Sullivan and Dylan Pierce Story
He’s cocky, dirty, and demanding. He’s a walking wet dream.
He’s also mine. Or at least he’s pretending to be...
Notorious British bad boy footballer Dylan Pierce is scorching hot...
and he knows it.
With a mouth as filthy as his reputation, linking myself with him could ruin my public image.
But showbusiness is all about risk, and as a down-on-my-luck actress, 
this could be the break my career needs.
Brooke Sullivan is my most difficult opponent yet.
Being seen with a good girl like her may give me a chance at Hollywood stardom, 
but I never expected to crave this feisty redhead.
I can’t lose my focus—I always keep my eye on the ball,
I’m always match-fit.
And winning her is the most important game I’ve ever played.
Buy The Book
Meet The Author
Amélie S. Duncan writes contemporary, erotic romances with a dark edge. Her inspiration comes from many sources including her life experiences and travels. She lives on the West Coast of the United States with her husband.
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