Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Passion Series

Series Promo Tour
February 6th - 18th
Passion Series 
by J.A. Melville

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Passion After Dark: Book One

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When Dominick Cavallo first saw Allegra Anderson, he knew instantly that she was the one for him. Unfortunately Allegra Anderson, best-selling author of erotica and self-confessed clutz, didn't even know he existed. That is about to change. 

The night Allegra's house mate Cassie insists she come out clubbing with her is the night that fate intervenes.
From the moment Allegra sees Dominick at the club when he rescues her from the unwanted attentions of another man, she's spellbound by his stunning good looks. His black hair, startlingly blue eyes and the way he speaks to her, has her totally captivated by him. He is the sexiest thing she’s ever seen and the attraction is instant and intense.
Dominick disappears not long after Allegra meets him and she’s devastated that she may never see him again. A week later, he reappears, when she least expects it and she learns something about him that could change the way she feels about him. He is not human, he is vampire.
Dominick is different to the other vampires. He has no desire to live their lifestyle but they are a part of his life whether he wants them or not. Allegra doesn’t want to be part of that lifestyle either. When she meets Dominick’s sire, the brooding but sexy Fabian, she feels both unwanted attraction and fear for him. Fabian makes it clear he wants Allegra for himself and he will do anything to get her, even if it means destroying Dominick and Allegra’s relationship.
Will he end up driving them apart? Will Allegra be able to come to terms with what Dominick is? 

When something unexpected happens, that will change who she is forever, can their love survive?
With Allegra's discovery of her newly acquired 'abilities,’ suddenly everything changes. Will it all be too much? Will Fabian succeed and ruin everything? Can Dominick and Allegra survive all that is determined to tear them apart or will love truly conquer all?

Passion By Control: Book Two

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Sirene Devereaux came to town, looking for a man; but not just any man, she was looking for a vampire.

This wasn't about finding love. She was in town to do a job. It was business, not pleasure. She had to hunt down one particular vampire and make his very existence a living hell. To hide her true identity, she got a job as a waitress and eventually some gigs singing, since that was her real passion. Of course there was more to her than met the eye. Sirene was a witch.

It didn't take her long to find a place to stay, make friends and find her vampire. In fact, he found her.

Fabian Sorensen wants Sirene the moment he lays eyes on her, but unfortunately his natural charm doesn't seem to work on her. He's used to getting any woman he wants, yet she seems immune.

When he finally gets the chance to spend a night with her, he discovers she's no ordinary woman, she's a witch and he hates witches. It has never ended well for him when he encounters them.

Sirene is no different. She hurts him, humiliates him and attacks the one thing precious to him, his manhood and for that, he wants revenge. He learns she's been sent to torture him and she's a serious threat to his normally controlled world. He has survived over 600 years and suddenly everything is threatened by one tiny raven haired witch.

She thwarts his attempts to make her pay for what she did to him. Any time he's around her, she completely unmans him. He hates that he is attracted to her. He uses women for blood and sex, he doesn't do relationships, so why is this one messing with his head so much?

Sirene too, is drawn to him which goes against everything she is in town to do. She's supposed to loathe him, not like him. The attraction between them is powerful but will it ultimately destroy them?

When a series of challenges arises and their very lives are threatened, can they survive? With so much against them, is it possible for a witch and a vampire to truly find love?

Passion Follows Pain: Book Three

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For most of her life, the only thing Arissa Petros has known is abuse. She is just 19 years old when, with the help of a friend, she runs away from her abuser. Wanting as much distance between the man who has hurt her and herself, she travels to another state working as a housekeeper for an elderly lady with a broken leg. Arissa's never been away from home or another state so everything is frightening to her. She is torn between fear of the unknown and relief at being away from the man who abused her for so long. 

Mrs Appleby is kind and caring and it doesn't take Arissa long to settle in to her new life. For the first time ever, she feels happy and safe, that is, until she meets one of the neighbours from over the road.
Lucian Andreas is the classic tall, dark and handsome man. He wants her and pursues her despite the fact she is terrified and wants nothing to do with him. As far as Arissa is concerned, men represent pain and aren't to be trusted. She has no desire to have anything to do with them ever!
Lucian won't give up on her though and slowly but surely he breaks down her defences. He is the first man she has ever wanted to spend time with. He makes her feel things she’s never felt before and she finds herself longing for the touch of his lips, the strong safe haven of his arms.
When Lucian finds out about Arissa’s past, it only makes him want her more, determined to prove to her that not all men are bad and that sex doesn't have to represent pain and humiliation. But first he has to come clean; reveal his true identity to her. He has to tell her he’s a vampire. Despite his initial fears, his revelation doesn't frighten her off and in fact brings them closer together. Lucian opens up a whole new world to her filled with passion and excitement. That is, until tragedy strikes and suddenly everything changes when Arissa’s past catches up with her and her life is in danger.
Will Lucian be able to save her in time? Can they survive? Will their relationship handle the stresses placed on it? Everything seems lost, that all hope is gone until that chance discovery one night. That one thing that changes everything…


As a survivor of abuse myself, please be aware that this book touches on the subject of abuse and may be a trigger for some. It is not a story about abuse, but rather the damage that abuse causes on a person, both emotionally and physically. 

Passion And Fire: Book Four

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Flame is a pole dancer. She's beautiful and a redhead with the temper to match. She doesn't do relationships since they often end badly for her, especially her last one, which had been a disaster. She also has a secret. She can move things with her mind. 

Damien is tall, dark, handsome and a notorious womaniser. He is also a vampire. He loves all women, but only for a good time, not a long time. A different woman every night is his philosophy, and he uses his stunning good looks and other talents to get what he wants, blood and sex. 

When Damien sees Flame one night at the strip club, he instantly wants her and is frustrated when she fails to fall for his charms. In fact she calls him a loser and leaves him aching for her. 

Unforeseen events soon find them in a position where their secrets are revealed to one another and they decide to give in to the attraction they can no longer fight to ignore. One night of hot and sweaty sex should be enough to satisfy their desires and then they can go their separate ways. 

The sex between them is passionate, intense and explosive and it quickly becomes obvious, one night will never be enough. Will two commitment phobics ever be able to have a relationship or will they walk away? 

Damien is the first to give in to the feelings he can no longer ignore and persuades Flame to come home with him. She finally opens up to him and it looks like they are both ready to try being a couple until tragedy strikes. 

Can Flame and Damien survive what happened or will their tentative commitment to one another be torn apart?

Passion For Hire: Book Five

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If you could have the man of your dreams would you go after him?

That was the question Faith asked herself when a tall dark haired, sexy as sin vampire started coming to her in her dreams. Most would dismiss it as nothing more than that, just dreams; but not her. Faith was no ordinary young woman, she was a visionary.

She could see peoples' futures in her dreams and by touching them. When she started seeing the beautiful vampire as she slept, she knew she had to go after him. Discovering he lived in the same house as the sister she never knew she had, just made it easier.

For Adrian the sudden appearance of the stunningly beautiful but innocent Faith meant trouble for him. For two years he'd been living a lie, and keeping a secret about what he got up to each night. His family had no idea, and that was how it had to be until Faith’s arrival threatened it all.

With her sheer determination to prove that they were destined for one another, suddenly Adrian's life was thrown into chaos. For Faith who had 'seen' his future and knew his secrets it was simple, come clean and accept that he was hers.

Of course in her mind it was that simple, but not to Adrian. He still fought her at every turn, appearing to want her and then pushing her away again. Finally when things got too much, he ran, abandoning her and leaving her broken hearted.

Then something happened, something that threatened their lives and had the potential to change everything. Was this going to be Faith’s chance for happily ever after or would everything be lost?

Would her visions become her nightmares, or was she finally going to get Adrian, who had literally been the man of her dreams?

Passion Becomes Her: Book Six

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It’s been almost a century since everything changed. 

Nearly a century since Francesca lost everyone and everything that night.
Only one person knows, one man saw it all; her sire, her saviour. He pulled her back from death and the brink of insanity.
Only one man truly knows her and Fabian promised he would never reveal the horrors of her past to anyone else.
She’s gone decades hiding her true self behind a mask of indifference; her clothes, her makeup like a costume so no one will see the real her.
It’s worked all these years until him…….
Lucas is the young man turned vampire by accident two years ago. He is the vampire with a heart and soul. He’s also an empath. He can feel what others are feeling……..
Something about him triggers flashbacks to Francesca’s past and her sleep is plagued by horrific nightmares.
Her screams wake Lucas and he comes to her, soothing and comforting her. The trouble is Francesca doesn’t want his comfort, she doesn’t want anyone. Anyone she’s ever cared about has been lost to her.
She uses Lucas to help her forget. Sex has always been her coping mechanism. Use them for sex and move on, but something about Lucas keeps drawing her back to him.
The sex is explosive, passionate and intense. The sex helps her forget her past, until afterwards when her resentment towards him makes her turn on him; punishing him physically and with cruel words. He makes her feel and she doesn’t want to feel. She doesn’t want to remember. She doesn’t want to feel anything for this man who has been the catalyst for those painful memories to resurface.
It’s unhealthy and dangerous, until one night something happens that changes everything. 

Francesca’s past collides with her present and her already fragile state of mind is tested further.
Will it destroy them now everything has changed?

About the Author

For as long as I can remember, I've loved to write, poetry, short stories just about anything. My English teachers in school kept telling me I should write and it took me a lot of years to finally get around to it. 

I spent too long worrying about failing as a writer before I realized that living with the regret of never trying was worse.

I live in a sleepy country town in Tasmania, Australia with my partner and our three children, who aren't so little anymore, plus a whole assortment of animals. 

Natasha's Awakening is my first book but I have no intention of stopping now and will continue to live my dream of being a published author. I have just published Taming Eric which is his POV to Natasha's Awakening. 

My interests are writing of course, reading, watching movies and hanging out at home with my family, our six cats and one dog.

You can find me on Facebook under my author page J.A. Melville and my book's page Natasha's Awakening.

Follow J.A. Melville

Hosted by Spunky N Sassy

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