Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Opaque Mirrors by Courtney Lane

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Release Blitz

Opaque Mirrors

By Courtney Lane

Cover Artist: Courtney Lane

Dark Erotic Thriller

Release Day April 26, 2016

  opaque mirros cover  


When the line between fiction and reality bleeds, there is no end to the lies or a truth to be found.

It was never supposed to happen. He was supposed to remain a porn star—the source of my fantasies—in my expansive collection of torture porn. But he found me, and he only wants one thing from me. He calls it the ultimate orgasm; death.

He gives me the illusion of choice—my life or his.

I thought my choice would be the end of my troubles, but it followed me to a town known for its close-minded, small population and hypocritical way of thinking.

My madness lurks in the shadows. It watches me and seduces me with pretty smiles and dirty degradation. It assures me that my fantasies aren't wrong. It tells me that they will star in all of my nightmares…and I want nothing more.

Content contains strong violence, coarse language, graphic sex, scenes of horror, and situations that most readers would find objectionable. Reader discretion is highly advised.

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Courtney’s Previous books:


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The Sordid Promise (Breaking Insanity #1)

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The Starkest Truth (Breaking Insanity #2)

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The Darkest Descension (Breaking Insanity #3)

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Punk Shock Love Society (The Complete StrangeHer Love Trilogy)

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Shock (StrangeHer Love Trilogy #2)

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Love Society (The StrangeHer Love Trilogy #3)

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The Sect (Wicked Trinity #1)


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Barnes & Noble



The Rebirth of Sin (Wicked Trinity, Book #2)


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About Courtney Lane

COURTNEY LANE has been creating her own little world since she was very young. When she was eight years old, she began to bring her worlds to life with a pen and paper.

While many of her works touch several different genres, she has an archetype when it comes to the female protagonists in her stories — they have to have certain brand of strength, be deeply flawed, and harbor layered personalities. In her books you will find themes that reflect the darker side of life with a tremendous amount of depth and complexity. She also has an affinity for characters that aren't necessarily the girl or boy next door, or the people you'd encounter in everyday life. In other words, she prefers to explore characters who aren't easy to fall in love with.

Currently, Courtney can be found either working on her next book, playing the latest role-playing game on her X-Box (preferably a game by Bioware), or spending time with her family.

Stalker Links

Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/359454797555300/

Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorCourtneyLane

Peronsal Page: https://www.facebook.com/CourtneyLaneAuthor

Twitter: http://twitter.com/AuthorLane

Amazon Author Page Here: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00H0IS7SC

Goodreads Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7453351.Courtney_Lane

Google Plus Page: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+CourtneyLaneAuthor

Website: http://www.redcherrypunch.com

Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bzZqEn


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