Odin has no luck in life. Recruited at a young age to an illegal testing facility left crater-sized wounds, both physically and emotionally. His only solace has been his makeshift family, other boys who escaped the facility with him. Only they can understand and share in his need for revenge.
Kylen Hagrin had a nearly perfect childhood growing up. He never lacked for love or affection. While home in between assignments as an investigative reporter, he discovers the story and the love of a lifetime.
Odin and his band of brothers need help if they want to shut down the testing site once and for all. They will do anything to rescue any children still being harmed there.
Sometimes the truths that haunt us and the truths we live are polar opposites. Before they can find common ground, a road must be paved. Some hearts need to open up to pain before love can find its way in. Odin will have to decide to love or lose the man that holds the key to his heart.

Odin wasn’t sure what to make of Debbie, he’d never had anyone tell him do anything before eating before, it kind of felt nice though. Like she cared enough to make them do it, he shook his head at his stupid thoughts. She didn’t know them, how could she care already.
“Let’s go, she won’t let us eat until we are all sitting down,” Chaos grumbled from outside his door.
“Seriously?” He asked incredulously as he opened the door to see Chaos and Ash standing there waiting on him with impatient stares.
Chaos shrugged, “dude, I’m not kidding. She says it’s rude not to wait for everyone to be seated and ready.”
Ash chuckled, “better not run either, she might take away dessert.” The two men stared at him in horror, not sure if they should believe him or not. “I’m not kidding, that’s what my mom used to do as punishment if we broke a rule. Just wait and see.”
“Chaos, I’m scared. I don’t know if I wanna go in there now.” Odin whispered quietly in case she could hear them.
“I know man, but I don’t think it would be smart to let her see our fear. You know what they say about wild dogs and that stuff. Show no fear.” Chaos leaned forward to whisper back to make sure he wasn’t being overheard.
“You two are so screwed,” Ash choked out between laughs as he moved down the hall. “Ms. Debbie, the food smells wonderful.”
Author Bio:
Hi I'm Sheri Lyn. I live in Florida with the love of my life, my dog Koda a Corgi/Dwarf Chow mix. I love living here and couldn't imagine living anywhere else.
I just started my journey into the indie book world. I have books in several genres in the works. I'm an avid reader who kept dreaming of a story that wanted to be told and that's where my first book was born.
When I'm not reading or proofing, I'm at the evil day job where my sanity is tested on a daily basis. My sarcastic quips can provide a much needed break until I can return home to Koda and books, my two joys.
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